Sunday, December 7, 2008

BKK to Chiang Mai, December 6-7

"I fell into a burning ring of fire...
And it burns, burns, burns,
the ring of fire"

-Johnny Cash

Ah, the simple pleasure of a clean shirt. It's funny how the plainest things take on extra significance when you do without for a awhile. So, I finished my long slog from Trang in Southern Thailand to Chiang Mai in the north with a stopover in Bangkok for a rest and haircut.

The first class sleeper was a great choice -in addition to limiting my carbon output, I met a pleasant American who joined the legions of U.S. citizens I have met who was overjoyed at Obama's win and dismayed at California's refusal to accept gay marriage. Got a great sleep in my long bed and quiet compartment.

Arrived refreshed in Chiang Mai and enrolled immediately in a Thai cooking class where, with a lot help from the instructors, I whipped up a Tom Yam soup, chicken with cashew nuts, spring rolls, Som Tam (papaya salad), mango sticky rice and massaman curry. I left feeling full and wishing that I could get ingredients this fresh at home, given how easy and fast Thai cooking is.

Accompanied by two Vancouverites (Aaron and Faith), I visited the Sunday market which features some of the finest handicrafts I have seen yet, and loads of street food. Sat on tiny plastic stools and indulged in spring rolls, a delicious peanut salad, noodles, and some steamed cakes that I said tasted like soap ("cleans you out, literally!"). Eating like locals is one of my favourite things about Asia travel.

Then, like good Canadians abroad, we proceeded to drink a little too much without getting too obnoxious (unlike the Brits at the next table who drank to the point of vomiting at their table!). Loved the recommended Rooftop Bar (thanks to Katy and Jamie) where we met... more Canadians. So weird. But it's nice to meet so many happy people (Canadian and otherwise). Can't I just keep travelling forever?

This city is so cosmopolitan and pleasant. I feel relaxed, which is a rare feeling in a Thai town. I could stay awhile if I were not on a mission to get some time in Laos!
PS: the opening quote of this post is not a religious reference...


Miriam Vaswani said...

Sounds good, Thor. I've been hanging out with a Vancouver Islander here in Sri Lanka. The Canadians are everywhere.

Ben Johnson said...

You can get a lot of those ingredients at South China Seas, just around the corner from your house here in Vancouver!

1st Class train ride! How bourgeois.