Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Taupo, December 30

"With these things there's no telling,
We'll just have to wait and see,
But I'd rather be working for a paycheck,
Than waiting to win the lottery..."
-Bright Eyes

Said goodbye to Kevin and the family and bussed in the rain to Taupo, adventure capitol of New Zealand (actually, I made that up, but there sure are a lot of outdoor sports available here -if you call jet boating a sport). Hiked up to Huka Falls and had a bathe in the geothermal hotsprings. Taupo appears to be a tourist town by a lake, but done well instead of tacky. They have made impressive investments in public and private infrastructure to make this place attractive to visitors and locals: extensive greening of streets, innovative lamp standards and benches, beautiful public garbage bins (and recycling!), pavers, no chain-link fencing, structures kept in good nick, etc. If only Canadian towns of 35,000 looked this good!

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