Friday, December 12, 2008

Bokeo Nature Reserve, December 10-12

The Gibbons Experience is a cleverly assembled tourist draw that brings small groups of visitors into a natural area on foot, equips the with zipline harnesses and houses them in treehouses. Although we did not see any Gibbon monkeys, the scenery was spectacular, the zip lining really fun, and the treehouses quite cool. We were a group of Aussies, Canadians and a German and got to know each other quite well.

Day two included a hike to a waterfall and swimming pool where we swam and, thankfully washed away accumulated sweat! I observed how our Western sensibilities melted away: notions of privacy are hard to maintain when you sleep co-ed in a 20 square meter treehouse and bathe in a swimming hole, and squeamishness about insects turns to "look, a bug in my food" or "cool spiders on the ceiling"! One girl, however, was not fond of the rats...

The trip back to town was typical Third World: once the tourists were in the truck, any extra room in the truck was used for transport of people and goods. At one point, out driver stopped the truck, grabbed a massive machete and hacked down a half dozen bamboo trees and loaded them on the vehicle.

Arrived back in Houay Xai dirty, sweaty and happy to see a clean bed and hot shower.

1 comment:

Miriam Vaswani said...

That sounds genius, can you email me a link?