Friday, December 5, 2008

Lanta onward, December 5

"It's goodbye to all my friends
It's time to go again
Think of all the poetry
and the pickin' down the line"

-Townes Van Sant

Indeed, it's time to start moving again. And this travel slog is long. First overnight to Bangkok, then overnight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, then if I'm still human onward into Laos. I'll need some rest stops in between. In diving terminology, a safety stop. To prevent getting bent.

The week on Lanta flew by -I can't believe I stayed 7 nights! The pleasing breeze and calm sea were hard to leave behind.

I'm most disappointed to hear the news that Stephen Evil Harper has latched his greasy hands onto power and refused to let go. He's a blight on the Canadian horizon. It was good to see the Globe and Mail advocate that he step down, though. Post-script: I see that people are rallying in a big way to seek Harper's departure! Exciting times for our country.

OK, I get on a train now. See you later, khap. Thor

PS: King's Birthday today. 81 years.

1 comment:

Ben Johnson said...

I hope that you make it to Laos! I'd be happy to recommend lots of places to eat and drink in Luang Prabang and in Vientiane.

Have a great train ride north.