Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chiang Mai - Laos (Houay Xai), December 8-9

"I'm a traveling man don't tie me down,
There's just too much living going all around,
A man he's got to see what he can see"

-Lyle Lovett

Yesterday was an errand day -book sales, book purchases, change money, recover from hangover, etc. I dozed by Aaron and Faith's pool (they moved to a boutique hotel that dripped elegance and taste -unlike mine, which just dripped gungy green stuff on the bathroom floor).

We went our for a lovely dinner at the Blue Diamond, a great find among many great places in Chiang Mai. Had Khao Soi, the local style of curry, plus a killer avocado salad and an eggplant puree that was quite arresting.

On my way how I stopped off at this little cowboy-looking bar to hear a Thai guy in a cowboy hat play covers like Hotel California, singing along in his unique brand of English ("On a dar deser highway, coo wi nama hair...")

Then a 6.5 hour trip to Chiang Khong (I was told 4 hours, so no real complaints) and a 10 minute walk to the river and I was on a longtail boat crossing the Mekong into Laos! I felt like Bill Murray in "The Razor' Edge" when he arrives in India. I noted with interest that the Thai side of the river offered a muddy slough for landing boats (top pic), while the Laos side (bottom pic)has a paved ramp. Got a visa in minutes and found a tasty curry for dinner. Tomorrow, I'll be heading into the Bokeo Nature Reserve for 2 nights and will update this blog when I return.

1 comment:

Ben Johnson said...

400 Baht a night for your hotel and you complain??

Oh gawd, not Hotel California. Something needs to be done about banning that song throughout SE Asia.