Friday, December 19, 2008

Vang Vieng, December 19

Well, this place has won me over. Kinda. As a fellow traveller commented, it's a bit like a frat party (attended by the banana pancake crowd). But some beautiful scenery and there are some good people around.

I rented a mountain bike and headed off through the rice fields to the hills to take in the landscape. And got a good traditional Laos massage. Met up with some Aussies from my minibus and have strengthened my resolve to visit that country to do diving, surfing and city exploration.

I had planned to do the rite-of-passage tubing thing today but several of my companions got food poisoned last night (having seen the kitchen on my way to the toilet it was really no wonder). I was lucky to escape unscathed and have reverted to my fallback diet: vegetarian only, high heat meals. This means pizza and soup, but it's only a few days.
PS: read the news online about the fiscally irresponsible Conservatives. I now have 30 billion new reasons to hate that man. As if the origonal reasons weren't enough!

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