Friday, November 14, 2008

Singapore, November 14-15

Air Asia's, slightly-disconcerting slogan is: Now everyone can fly! (What about the guy trying to light his shoes on fire?). On the flight down from Bangkok, I read in the inflight magazine that Air Asia is now proud to offer only Airbus service. The safety card noted we were in a Boeing aircraft.

I spoke too soon about Singapore. It's just as lovely as I remembered: highly articulated streetscapes, a beautiful public realm (Chisaki, this pic at right is for you!), and, in a visit to the art gallery (free of course), nudes! Speaking of art, the transit stations are decorated in a minimal way but with sumptuously done art pieces. My old urban design prof used to call this: touching lightly, but affecting profoundly. I wanted to move into the airport transit station.

After a gorgeously-refreshing shower, I immediately commenced with eating. At the Banana Leaf Apollo, I had a full vegetarian Thali (shown at right) with flavours either subtle and slightly hot, or highly flavourful yet not piquant. I ate until my stomach began to protest. A mango lassie stupidly mango-ish. Then a visit to the Battle Box, from where British Forces bravely defended the island nation for 15 days in February, 1942, before deciding, on account of the civilian implications, to surrender to the Japanese. The guide mentioned gleefully that the Japanese generals were executed after the war, ending the problem, "once and for all"!

Dinner was prawns in a coconut sauce and Calcutta-style cauliflower in spices and lime. Garlic naan that I knew was arriving 5 mins in advance. Too full for dessert, which was a shame. I was surrounded by skinny locals eating way more than I.

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