Sunday, November 16, 2008

Singapore-Melacca, November 16-17

The Singapore National Library (left) is touted as the greenest building in the world, so I had to visit. Perhaps it is, but Asia, -even Singapore- can be prone to undeserved superlatives. I wondered if the granite floors were shipped from Europe. But it does have an irregular floorplate to allow in lots of natural light, motion-sensing escalators and darkness-sensing lights. The south facade is nearly windowless to avoid excessive solar gain, and numerous solar shares on the other facades for the same reason. Nice looking building, for the most part.

Met some more of the drifters who populate hostels in Asia. Mike must have been in his 70's and had visited nearly 200 different hostels around the world. Perhaps that will be me one day. We dined at a local food court and I had S'pore's famed chili crab and too much beer.

The next day I dropped by the Arab Quarter and before long was ready for lunch of lamb biryani and a chat with a German girl living in Vancouver and who had come to Singapore to set up a biotech office. Then I caught the train north to Melacca. A Malaysian woman and her two kids sat next to me. She struck up a conversation and shortly thereafter mentioned she would like my address so she could come visit me in Vancouver!

Got into my friendly guesthouse late and had an unmentionably delicious laksa (unmentionable because it rivalled Beverly's!) and a shaved ice with pineapple and lychee. Slept well under the restorative breeze of my fan. The shower I had this morning took off several layers of sweat, and I felt lighter in colour and weight.
Walked around this old colonial town taking in its interesting, if limited, architecture (see below). My two new American friends, Jamie and Katie, joined me.


Ben Johnson said...

The only laksa that rivals Beverly's can only be bought in Kuching in Sarawak! Anything else is just a pretender.

Miriam Vaswani said...

Hey Thor, lovely to meet you the other day.

I'm just about to check out of the lovely wee guesthouse in Melaka (where I'm being stalked by a lizard)and grab the bus to KL, for fun days at the Indian Embassy.

Safe travels.

Unknown said...

Better than Beverly's. That must be good. Very, very good.