Thursday, November 20, 2008

George Town - Langkawi, November 20- 21

"And he's goin' back to a simpler place and time,
And I'll be with him on that midnight train to Georgia"

OK, I must start with an apology. If you heard a wretched screeching sound last night, that was me, singing karaoke. Sorry everyone. Sorry Gladys Knight and the Pips.
But first some history. George Town was a but of a bust as far as a place to visit, but it did obviously have a lively party scene. It was, in short, a town to celebrate American Thanksgiving with Katy, Jamie and newly-found co-travellers Neills and Max. We started at the musical night market (a Malaysian food court with real singers!). I gorged on Nyonya crab, chicken satays and spring rolls and managed to keep my clothes clean in the process. Then, after a few drinks at a cosy bar (over which, in the US tradition, we spoke about what we are thankful for), we rented a karaoke room, ordered some fruit, and a bucket of beer (only in Asia). Singing commenced. Details omitted to protect the guilty.

This morning I caught the bus and boat to Langkawi, Malaysia's duty-free island paradise. Due to a shortage of accommodation on the weekend, I am rooming with 3 new friends -2 girls and a guy (Cecilia shown here). How do these things happen?! The upside -my housing cost tonight is $5.00 Canadian.

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