Friday, November 13, 2009

Dead Sea (Nov. 13)

Yep, I swam, er, floated helplessly in the oily, salty Dead Sea. It's an usual experience and rather pleasant. The temperature changes from bathwater warm to swimming pool warm every few seconds. When I came out, I felt rejuvinated. Apparently the Sea has health benefits.

Now I am not one to complain, but the garbage on the beach gives the impression that Jordanians do not care for their country. However, they are very proud of it and the many noteworthy places it has. I just can't understand the lack of care when it comes to trash...


Ben Johnson said...

Erm, isn't this supposed to be a non-photo blog...? It has way too many photos.

Thor Abroad said...

I don't believe the TITLE of my blog mentions presence or non-presence of photos...