Monday, November 2, 2009

Abu Dhabi, Nov. 2-3

As usual the food is a highlight. The Eastern food choices are similar to those at home, but the quality is higher and flavours more interesting. Last night at the Lebanese Flower, an institution in Abu Dhabi grill houses, we had an incredible spread. First come a veggie/olive/pickle plate and a nut plate. They're the complimentary starter like bread at home. Then some hummous which is silky smooth and slightly tangy. Then grilled whitefish and a mixed grill of chicken and beef, including pitas stuffed with a thin layer of flavourful meat. You dip this in a garlic sauce. No alcohol of course but I had a fruit shake that included banana, strawberry, mango and a float of avacado that could only have been improved with a shot of rum.

I made a visit to the Emirates Palace, which is really a hotel. Needless to say it's opulent, and includes lots of shopping. But also a gallery displaying the ambitious plans for a new island cultural precinct featuring, among many others, new Guggenheim and L'ouvre museums.

My great success du jour is finding a bank that is: open, not under renovations, and would change my money! I am now flush with local currency.

Pictures not loading: will post soon.

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